- 1996
- 大阪府出身
- 2019
- 大学卒業後、神戸市役所へ入庁。約2年間、行政に携わり税務やまちづくりに関わる。
- 2023
- フォトグラファーに転身。
自身のブランド『All Good』では ”家具を選ぶように、写真を選ぼう。花を贈るように、写真を贈ろう。” をテーマに写真やポスター等、暮らしのアイテムをオンラインにて販売・展開中。
- 1996
- Born in Osaka, Japan.
- 2019
- Joined Kobe City Hall after graduating from university, worked in administration for about 2 years,
involved in taxation and town planning.
Afterward, worked as a barista while continuing the hobby of photography. Gained experience in product and event photography.
- 2023
- Transitioned to a photographer.
Currently based in Kansai.
specializing in advertising photography for cafes, hotels, beauty salons, and publishing houses, as well
as music event coverage. Actively holds personal photo exhibitions and display events.
The photos are characterized by the beauty of natural light and a soft, gender-neutral sense of
In my brand "All Good" I'm selling photos and posters online with the theme "Choose photos like you choose
furniture. Send photos like you send flowers."
You can also reach me on Instagram @yugo_hibi
- 2023.2 igive / landmark305
- 2023.4 flower and photograph / cover302
- 2023.5 ROCA / THE 9X OSAKA
- 2023.11 Wonder Foto Day / OVERGROUND
- 2024.4 CALL COFFEE / 大丸福岡天神
Featured in
- 『明日も会社にいかなくちゃ。』
- 著者:こざわたまこ 出版:双葉社